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From Field to Shelf: Ensuring Supply Chain Success During Harvest Season


Ah, Harvest season—the time when pumpkin spice lattes reign and fresh produce flies from field to shelf. Behind the scenes, the supply chain for perishable goods works hard to ensure high-quality products reach retailers. For businesses dealing with temperature-sensitive items, efficient logistics and cold chain management are crucial. 

In this blog, we’ll explore how companies can optimize their supply chains during Harvest season and offer actionable insights for success. 

Harvest Season: A Unique Supply Chain Challenge 

Harvest season is a high-stakes game for industries with perishable items. Timing is everything and getting it wrong can lead to major losses. In fact, 30% of all food produced globally is lost or wasted every year due to inefficiencies in the supply chain. Yes, you read that right—one-third of all food! Shocking, right? 

One company that knows how to handle these challenges is Driscoll’s, a leader in fresh berries. Berries are some of the most delicate and perishable products in the market, which means Driscoll’s supply chain is a well-oiled machine, especially during Harvest season.  


From Field to Shelf: The Critical Supply Chain Journey 


1. Harvesting & Collection: The Starting Point 

It starts in the fields, where time is of the essence. Any delay in moving freshly picked berries could impact their freshness. Driscoll’s minimizes the time between picking and transporting the berries to preserve quality. 

Key takeaway: Move quickly from harvest to transportation to keep produce fresh. 


2. Processing & Packaging: Protecting Product Integrity 

Once harvested, berries must be processed and packaged quickly. Poor packaging and improper temperature control are responsible for about 14% of food loss post-harvest.  

Key takeaway: Protect your goods with packaging that works as hard as you do! 


3. Transportation & Cold Chain Management: The Heart of the Supply Chain 

Transportation is one of the most critical steps in the journey. Cold chain management in transit is essential for keeping perishable goods fresh. Real-time monitoring allows you to track temperature and humidity levels, making real-time decisions to prevent spoilage. Thirty-seven percent of all food wasted in the U.S. is due to improper temperature control during transit.  

Key takeaway: Cold chain monitoring = fewer spoiled goods. It’s that simple. 


4. Storage & Warehousing: Extending Shelf Life 

After transportation, perishable goods need to be stored properly in temperature-controlled warehouses. Efficient storage ensures products stay fresh as they await distribution to retailers.  

Key takeaway: Proper storage keeps your product fresh and your customers happy. 


5. Distribution to Retailers: Ensuring Freshness on Shelves 

Finally, the berries make their way to retailers, where fresh, high-quality products are essential for customer satisfaction. Cold chain management continues to play a critical role here, ensuring that perishable goods arrive in optimal condition and keep customers happy. 

Key takeaway: From field to shelf, the right tech keeps your supply chain smooth and efficient. 


Key Considerations for Supply Chain Success During Harvest Season 

So, how do you keep your cold chain in top shape during Harvest season? Here are a few critical points to keep things running smoothly: 

1. Temperature Control & Monitoring 

Temperature is the secret sauce to keeping products fresh. Cold chain monitoring solutions like CONTXT give you real-time visibility into temperature fluctuations, allowing you to tackle issues before they snowball. You can’t manage what you don’t monitor. Keep an eye on temperature and product conditions to reduce spoilage. 

2. Data & Decision Intelligence 

Data is your best friend—really. Use it to make smarter, faster decisions throughout your supply chain. Cold chain monitoring has helped companies reduce product loss by up to 30%. It’s a no-brainer! 

3. Risk Management & Mitigation 

Harvest season comes with risks—from unexpected weather to transportation delays. With the right tools, you can anticipate these risks and avoid costly disruptions before they spiral out of control. 

Conclusion: Optimize Harvest Season for Supply Chain Success 

Harvest season is an exciting yet challenging time for companies dealing with perishable goods. By implementing strong cold chain management practices and leveraging decision intelligence, businesses can ensure their products maintain the highest quality from field to shelf. 

Ready to squash those supply chain headaches this Harvest season? Let PAXAFE help you reap the rewards with CONTXT! From field to fork, we’ll help you cut waste, boost efficiency, and harvest supply chain success. Get in touch and let’s grow together!